Hi, I'm

Rustam Akimov

Some info about me

About Me

ML Engineer

Computer Science Student at RTU MIREA. Machine Learning enthusiast


Numpy Neural Network

Сustom numpy neural network model implementation in which you can add different layers by one line

Open Repo

Numpy Transformer

A fast numpy implementation of the Transformer (Seq2Seq) model in original paper "Attention is All You Need"

Open Repo

Numpy Diffusion

A numpy Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) implementation

Open Repo

Long-Term Memory LLM

RAG-based LLM using long-term memory through vector database

Open Repo

Basic ML Algorithms

Python implementations of basic machine learning algorithms

Open Repo


A PyTorch implementation of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model.

Open Repo